Monday 12 November 2018

The best composition of the month: a persuasive article

Dear all,
as usual I share with you two of your classmates' outstanding compositions so that you can take notice of their writing technique. I hope it is useful.

If in doubt, do not hesitate and invest in real estate (by Lucía del Mar Tomé, B2.2 19.00)

           Currently, the real estate sector is starting to boom again after ten years of economic recession, when the crash of the real-estate bubble caused a cut in access to bank loans. A large number of  companies in the sector went into bankruptcy and, therefore, a significant amount of jobs was lost in the construction industry. 

                  However, in recent years, this has begun to change. International investors have seen a business opportunity in our country. Thus, the construction of retirement houses, shopping centres, offices, retails and hotels is sky-rocketing

                There is also more purchase of housing, due to the creation of employment, the concessions of more mortgage and the increase in the confidence of the economy, alongside the interest of Britons, Germans and French to live here, especially on coastal areas. However, rent has suffered a significant reduction owing to both the increase in prices and the higher demand. In addition, the idea that reinforces the advantages of the purchase versus the rent is gaining ground in the mentality of Spaniards.

               Are you thinking of buying or investing in a house? Experts think that now is a good time to invest our savings. Likewise, some researches show that prices will not cease to rise in the upcoming years and, in contrast, because of this, they reckon it is not the right time to sell. It's advisable to wait a couple of years before doing so when prices reach their highest peak. 

                 Banks are now granting more loans and better conditions, so, whether you are a buyer or an investor, take advantage of the current market situation, but with common sense! 


The best way to learn English (by Juan Orozco Corpas B2.2 16.30)

Have you ever dreamed of becoming bilingual in English? Have you ever wondered why you are not like that, and however you have been studying that language for so many years? Well, now you could have the opportunity to achieve your ever-lasting goals. How?  Scientists have discovered the answer: You have to be in contact with whatever foreign language at least half an hour every day, for four years, in order to learn it. And here is where our product comes into play.

We have invented a robot capable of helping you to achieve this. This robot has a software capable of understanding what you are saying, even if your English is not very good. This software has a wide range of different levels of English and you can choose the level of English you want. Once you have chosen the level of English the robot will start to speak to you since the minute you set foot in your house. It will say hello to you and will ask you how the day was. From then on, the conversation will depend on you; you will be in command.

The robot has a vast repertoire of conversations. It will ask you some common sentences and you’ll answer them, and depending on the answer the robot will ask you another thing, or viceversa, you’ll ask it for something, and the robot will answer you.

Furthermore, the robot not only will be a teacher for you, but also a friend. This will be very useful for lonely people. 

And all of this for an incredible price, to pay in easy installments. You are not going to believe it. For only three thousand dollars your English issue will be solved once and for all. 

Don’t you think it is worth investing a little of your money to be bilingual?

Thank you both of you for your outstanding pieces of writing. 

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