Thursday 12 September 2019

Welcome to a wonderful yet hard English trip

Hiya everybody!
Today we're inaugurating the C1 level, which I reckon is kind of important for most of you, as a high level of English is required at work or many other institutions. They trip you are now starting is long and harsh, but also rewarding and hopefully fun. This is the class blog we'll be using where I'll upload most of the materials we use in class. 
I wish you the very best for this course, but bear in mind that this course might be difficult and don't get frustrated if yor level of English at the end of the year desn't live up to your personal expectations. Try to enjoy the course and all the materials: songs, videos, games...

Remember your mark will ONLY depend on the final mark of the exam in May, which includes:
- Reading
- Listening
- Writing
- Speaking 
- Mediation

To get the C1 certificate you'll need to have a positive mark in evey task and a final mark of, at least, 65 % in the final exam. Don't get discouraged. These are the rules but, you know., if there's a will, there's a way!!
Good luck! I recommend you pay a visit to the blog regularly and especially to the important resources to keep learning English on the right-hand side of the blog. 
Welcome everyone and let's enjoy the ride. You know, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so we'll have to speak as much English as possible!

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