Wednesday 4 December 2019

An outstanding example of report by Audrey Besnier

Dear all,
as usual one of you wrote an outstanding piece of work... Here you have it:

Christmas festival: review and recommendations by Audrey Besnier C1

The purpose of this report is to propose suitable activities for the upcoming Christmas festival of our school that will take place on December, 19th.


First and foremost, on behalf of the students' association, we would like to thank the school for trusting us once more for the organisation of the party. Last year, the festival was a rewarding experience for us. Despite an unfortunate incident, the feedback received was entirely positive.  In terms of activities, both the students and teachers were quite satisfied. Nevertheless, we would like to suggest some improvements to prevent any incidents from happening and we are delighted to propose new activities in order to innovate when compared to last year's festival.


We have a tight budget but this will not be a problem, as many volunteers will take part in the organization of the party. We just need 15 Euros for each prize and 25 euros for the Christmas tree.

Last year activities

On the one hand, because of last year's success, we recommend maintaining the cooking competition and the Christmas photo competition. On the other hand, we suggest that the exhibition of both, dishes and photos, takes place in the multipurpose room so that, unlike last year, the attendants will be able to taste the dishes and contemplate the photos.

On the contrary, our advice is to cancel the karaoke activity as, regardless of the effort that had been put into organising it, the students barely got involved last year. The same for the zumba activity.

New ideas and improvements

We propose two new activities: a quiz about Christmas and a Christmas handcraft contest thanks to which we could ornament a spectacular Christmas tree altogether at the end of the festival.

As the multifunctional room is such a large venue, we could place the Christmas tree in one of its corners. However, concerning the handcraft activity itself, we recommend carrying it out in another classroom so that students can create their own decorations in a tidier and quieter space.

Finally, we would like to add a compulsory rule regarding the cooking contest: each dish has to be served next to its recipe. Indeed, during last year's party , a students had a skin rash as a result of something she ate. Fortunately, nothing too bad, but with this new requirement we simply intend to prevent any allergic reaction.

Last recommendation

Last but not least, our best recommendation would be to focus on one or two main activities instead of organising a bunch of them. Quality is always better tan quantity.

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