Saturday 11 November 2017

Remembrance Day and Veterans Day

I think you agree that language and culture can't be separated. Learning some culture helps to improve your level of language and understand other cultures much better. That is why I thought it would be a good idea to tell you about Remebrance Day, celebrated in England on November, 11th. This day is celebrated in the Commonwealth countries, that is, the countries that are dependant on the United Kingdom, for example, Australia, Canada and South Africa. Why is that day celebrated ?
1. To commemorate and remember those who lost their lives during World War II, serving the UK.
2. To celebrate the end of World War II at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
The motto of this festivity is : Lest we forget (para que no lo olvidemos)
How do the people remember ? The most common thing is to carry poppies to the dead ones as you can see in the picture down below.

The remembrance poppy has become a symbol of peace and a way to remember those who have passed away. 

To conclude this post, I include this video to commemorate the lives of soldiers that gave their lives. Remember : lest not forget.

In America, however, they celebrate the Veterans Day and it is a public holiday.

I hope you have learnt some culture about the UK and the US.

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