Monday 14 October 2019

Three very good graph analyses

Dear all,
I usually share some very good writings of my students so that you can use them as good examples for you to improve on your writings. I'll start to do this with the activity of graph analysis. Have a look at both analyses and try to come up with ideas to incorporate in your future writings.
Judit Ester Méndez Izquierdo (C1B)

I was given a graph showing the percentage of male students who visited the cinema at least once a month over a twelve-month period. At the beginning of the year, 20% of students visited the cinema and this percentage slightly decreased until March.
From this month to June, the number of moviegoers began to take hold gradually. Then, the percentage skyrocketed and reached its highest peak.
In August, the number of students stagnated until October, when it plummeted until the end of the year. This decrease might be due to the approach of the Christmas season, when families normally spend huge amounts of money.

Jessica Secos García C1A

A study carried out at the Union Jack English School has been recently published. The aim of the study was to know the percentage of students who visited the cinema at least once a month.
The sample was divided into two groups, according to the gender of the interviewees.
On the one hand, the percentage of females who visited the cinema at least once a month was 40% in January. This rate skyrocketed until March when it stabilized for two months. However, after gaining ground in May, the percentage started to drop slightly until October, when  the rate finally stagnated until the end of the year.
On the other hand, the percentage of male moviegoers was 20% in January. This rate stagnated for the next two months and then it slightly increased. It was in June when the percentage started to be on the rise until July, when the rate reached its highest peak. After remaining unchanged, this value plunged until December.
Lastly, excluding the summer months, the percentage of female moviegoers outnumbers the percentage of male moviegoers. Taking into account the total amount of students, most cinemagoers attend the cinema during the  summer months, and this might be due to the summer holidays, when students have more time for leisure activities.

Teresa Blázquez C1A

I’ll be writing about a graph that gives us some relevant data about the percentage of students at The Union Jack English School who visited the cinema at least once a month throughout the year.

First of all, I must confess that I found the difference between genders surprising.

The trend of the female percentage is broadly stable. This trend is far from uniform when we take a look at the opposite gender.

The curve reaches its highest peak, in both genders, at 70%.

For men, visits grew substantially from June to July (it has increased by 40 percentage points), and then plummeted again between October and December.

Amongst women, the visits soared from January to March, then got stagnated until May, and found its way back to growth until June (the month when it reached its highest peak). These visits had a sustained decline during the summer, less noticeable than the one we find on the male’s curve.

Moreover, the female visitors have outnumbered the male ones throughout the first semester.

According to this information, we can claim that male students are more likely to visit the cinema during summer holidays, but they lose their interest on it dramatically from October to March. On the other hand, female students are much more constant in their visits, showing special interest in spring.

To sum up, not only can we find gender differences in choosing one film, but also in the moment of the year men and women want to enjoy them. Women have demonstrated to be more regular on their visits throughout the year, while men are more likely to enjoy cinema mainly during the summertime.

Thank you for your effort and take the expressions in bold into account and incorporate them in your writings.

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