Tuesday 24 October 2017

Revision !

Dear students of 2ºAvanzado,
Now that we're back to class, it's time to revise some vocabulary and expressions that we say during our first week of class. Ready ?

a) A person who is captivating and attractive at the same time is m_____________.
b) The v_______ majority of scientific papers today are published in English.
c) English-language academic papers o____________ publications in the country's own language.
d) It is very difficult to g______ a good reputation.
e) The scientific vocabularies of many languages have failed to k_____ p_____ w____ new developments and discoveries.
f) The English language p______ a dominant role. 
g) I hate dogs s__________ all over me (spilling their saliva).
h) Nowadays you can find a h______ of different self-help books
i) Self-help books can, to some e__________, be taken seriously.
j) I don't speak English very well but I g_____  _____.
k) Education today is c____________ in English.

Have a look at this webpage to learn collocations. I hope you enjoy it and I hope this revision has helped you to come back to class in a better mood !

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