Friday 6 October 2017

Wedding vocabulary

Well, my wedding is here ! To deal with pre-nuptial nerves, I've decided to write another post related to wedding expressions and some lexis related to wedding. I have written a post on the typical wedding parties and another one about the best men and maids of honour
- In English, you get married (TO someone) or marry someone. 'Marry' doesn't need the preposition 'with' in English.
- In English 'marriage' refers to the process of getting married (or the action). To refer to the spouses, you use 'married couple'. They are a marrige They are a married couple.
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- A formal word for 'marriage' is 'matrimony'
- Before getting married, the boyfriend usually proposes to the girl and gives an engagement ring saying the words : "Will you marry me ?" and from that moment , they are engaged and they become 'fiancé' and 'fiancée' (from French) or husband-to-be and wife-to-be (future spouses).
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- The day of the wedding, before getting married, the woman is the bride  and the man is the groom (or bridegroom). That day, during the reception party, the bride will throw the wedding bouquet. The woman who catches it is said to be the next woman to get married.
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- After the wedding ceremony, the bride and the groom are pronounced husband and wife until death do them part. People who have just got married are called newlyweds. Then, they will enjoy their honeymoon (the trip to homage they are now husband and wife).

- The husband is the man and the wife is the woman. To refer to any of them, no matter the gender, you can use the term 'spouses.'

- The bestman is the groom's best friend chosen by him. He is in charge of preparing the stag party or stag night (the party with all the groom's male friends to celebrate his last days as a single man). 

- The maid of honour is the bride's best female friend. She in charge of organising the hens' party or hens' night. 

Expressions related to the wedding : 

- To get cold feet : When the future spouses have second thoughts or experience pre-nuptial nerves prior to the wedding. 

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- Go / walk down the  aisle : It's a metaphor. It means getting married. It refers to the march along the aisle of the church. 
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Well, tomorrow I'll be kind of busy, you know, getting married,  and in the next two weeks I'll be kind of busy too enjoying both my wedding and my honeymoon, which means I won't be writing for a very long time. 
See you around, sooner or later. 


  1. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you Loli ! It was a glorious dat!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
