Sunday 17 December 2017

"A monster calls", an enthralling science fiction film, involving drama and a great deal of imagination (by Elena Esquinas)

               "A Monster Calls" is one of the fantasy novels by the British-American writer Patrick Ness. The story, set in the present time in a small town in the UK, immediately became an international best-seller/ best-selling book
               The main character in the novel is Connor O'Malley, a thirteen-year old boy now living with his ill mother. She suffers from cancer. Due to her mother's disease, Connor has to behave like an adult. The teenager is under way too much pressure, so he receives a visit of a monster. The monster turns out to be a tree created by his powerful imagination goes along with him towards maturity. It tells him three different stories about life and finally, Connor is supposed to tell the monster a story of his own truth, while his mother condition worsens. 
               This film's greater strengths include not only the soundtrack and the main characters played by outstanding authors, but also the special effects to recreate the tree, play by Liam Neeson himself. My only criticism would be that the speech of the story is not very fluent, so it is a bit heavy-going
               From my point of view, this is an implausible, yet gripping work of art. Moreover, the book deals with current topics, such as bullying or peer pressure at school, isolation and the stress that children are forced to handle when their family relatives are ill. For lovers of fantasy and moving stories, this masterpiece is definitely a must. 

Thank you Elena for your contribution. Read Elena's review and post a comment ! 
P.S. Here you have the film's trailer :

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