Sunday 17 December 2017

The best compositions of the month : by Víctor Torres and Antonio Rueda

Dear students of Avanzado II,
After reading all your articles, I will publish two outstanding compositions by some of your classmates, no others than Víctor Torres's and Antonio Rueda's. Have a look at them and the expressions they used to improve your writings. 

Man ! I Feel Like a Woman !  (by  Víctor Torres)
          Over the last decades, gender equality has gradually improved in our society, but we have not yet reached complete gender equality. 
          As a host of countries, Spain has been featured by its sexism for a long time. Franco's dictatorship and its strictly conservative ideology built a woman's role based on the most severe patriarchy. Back in those days, women had to stay at home and they were the ones who would take care of their husband and their children. With the advent of democracy, Spanish women could finally leave their homes and they regained the rights that the dictatorship had robbed them of. 
            Fortunately, sex equality has greatly improved to this day. By now, many women work outside home and they are completely independent. Likewise, a great deal of men now do the household chores. However, we can still find some discriminatory aspects, for example, women earn much less than men for their work of equal value. Domestic violence is also one of the most important problems in our country. 
            To conclude, we can say that we have made significant progress when it comes to gender equality, but much more needs to be done if we long for an equal society. 

Only Child Childhood (by Antonio Rueda)
             Some things are easier to remember, and some are easier to forget. I can remember my childhood as if it happened yesterday. Contrary to what some people might think, being an only child is harder than you may think. As some people say, an only child is a lonely child, and I couldn't agree more with this statement. 
                Too bad I don't have an elder brother r sister. You can play Nintendo by yourself but it isn't quite the same. I could call a friend but if I had had a brother or sister, I would have had a built-in friend. 
                   While I was feeling miserable and lonely, I could hear my friends across the street playing with their brothers or sisters racing around on their bikes. My parents hardly ever allowed me to play on the street. I guess the biggest advantage of being an only child is that my life is my own : nobody borrowed neither my videogames nor my clothes. I also got a bigger allowance than I probably would have if I had had siblings. On the other hand, it would have been much better if I had had someone my age at home. 
                   When you are an only child, you are your parents' hope, so you cannot fail. You have to be popular, good at sports and, on top of that, get good marks. It's a lot of pressure ! I used to wish for a little brother or sister who my parents could worry for for a while. 
                 The irony is, if I had had that mythical brother or sister, I would have wished to be an only child. Life is like that. What you don't have always seems to be the thing you yearn for. 

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